Friday, September 16, 2011

Key Concepts: Research Traditions Readings

Williamson Ch.2

Positivist - Researchers attempt to apply research methods used in the natural sciences to the social sciences.  Quantitative approaches to research are largely linked with positivism. Deductive reasoning is also linked with positivist approach. 

Interpretivist (aka interpretive) - Researchers emphasize the meanings made by people as they interpret their world.  Qualitative approaches to research are largely linked with interpretivism.  Inductive reasoning is associated with interpretivist. 

Powell & Connaway Ch. 2

Basic steps for the SMI
a) An unanswered question in the mind of the researcher (a problem)
b) Definition of researcher's goal in terms of a clear statement of the problem
c) Research subdivides the problem into appropriate subproblems
d) Researcher posits reasonable hypotheses
e) Data collection directed by the hypotheses and data is organized
f) Interpretation of collected data, which leads to a resolution of the problem, thus confirming or rejecting the hypotheses

General Criteria for Basic Research
1. Universality
2. Replication
3. Control
4. Measurement


Traditionally LIS research has heavily relied upon the case study, program evaluation, and survey researh methodologies in order to answer their questions; however, the past decade has seen professionals branching out into using experimental, observational, and qualitative methodologies.

It must be remembered that no matter what the methodologies researchers might use, what no doubt will remain the same in the future will be the need to match a research method appropriately to the question posed while keeping attentive to issues of validity, bias, and reliability.

Pyrczak Appendix A

There is a tendency for qualitative research to be personal and interactive, which at times forces researchers to address how they overcame their own orientations, biases, and experiences and how they saw beyond their subjective nature.

Quantitative researchers attempt to be objective and distant as it should be dealing with hard data as opposed to more personal topics.

Patton Topics 1-10

Topic 1 Intro to Empirical Research
Empirical approach to knowledge is based on observations.

One of the most fundamental distinctions in scientific research is whether research is experimental or non-experimental.

Topic 2 Experimental vs Nonexperimental Studies
Experimental Studies - researchers give treatments and observe to see if they cause changes in behavior

Nonexperimental Studies - researchers do not give treatments. Rather, they observe subjects in order to describe them as they naturally exist without experimental intervention.

Topic 3 Experimental vs Causal-Comparative Studies
Experimental studies are preferred over nonexperimental studies are preferred when we want to investigate cause-and-effect relationships.

Causal-comparative studies (aka ex post facto study) are nonexperimental studies which have characteristics that (1) we observe and describe some current condition and (2) we look to the past to try to identify the possible cause(s) of the condition.

Topic 4 Types of Nonexperimental Research
Causal-comparative research - see above
Survey or poll - describes attitudes, beliefs, and behavior of a population
Census - a count or study of all members of a population
Case study - one subject of study
Field research - a thorough intensive case study of a group aka ethnographic research
Longitudinal research - repeatedly measure trait(s) of the subjects over a period of time in order to trace developmental trends
Correlational research - interested in the degree of relationship among two or more quantitative variables
Historical research - examine data in order to understand the past

Topic 5 Variables in Nonexperimental Studies
Variable - a trait or characteristic with two or more categories.

All variables have mutually exclusive categories. That is, each subject will belong to one and only one category.

Topic 6 Variables in Experimental Studies
All experiments have at least one independent variable and one dependent variable.

The purpose of experiments is to estimate the extent to which independent variables cause changes in dependent variables.

Independent variable is a stimulus or input variable.
Dependent variable is the response or output that the independent variable causes changes in.

Topic 7 Research Hypotheses, Purposes, and Questions
Research hypothesis - a prediction of the outcome of a study.

A simple research hypothesis predicts a relationship between 2 variables.

Topic 8 Operational Definitions of Variables
Conceptual definitions are found in dictionaries and are perfectly adequate if we merely want to communicate the general topic of our research to someone.

Operational definition - redefining a variable in terms of physical steps is called operationalizing a variable. When we do that we create an operational definition.

Topic 9 Quantitative vs Qualitative Research
Quantitative research is when the results are presented as quantities or numbers (statistics). A quantitative researcher would tend to generalize her results to one or more populations.

Qualitative research is research in which the results are trends or themes that are described in words.  A qualitative researcher would tend to limit his conclusions to individuals who were directly studied.

Topic 10 Quantitative vs Qualitative Research: II
Some research questions inherently lend themselves more to the quantitative or qualitative approach
When little is known about a topic, qualitative research usually should be initially favored.
When the subjects belong to a culture that is closed or secretive, qualitative research should usually be favored.
When potential subjects are not available for extensive interactions or observations, the quantitative approach should be considered
When time and funds are limited, quantitative research might be favored.
When the audience (such as legislators or funding agencies) require 'hard numbers' quantitative research should be favored or, at least, incorporated into a qualitative research project.

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